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Cross Product


For vectors u=(u_x,u_y,u_z) and v=(v_x,v_y,v_z) in R^3, the cross product in is defined by


where (x^^,y^^,z^^) is a right-handed, i.e., positively oriented, orthonormal basis. This can be written in a shorthand notation that takes the form of a determinant

 uxv=|x^^ y^^ z^^; u_x u_y u_z; v_x v_y v_z|,

where x^^, y^^, and z^^ are unit vectors. Here, uxv is always perpendicular to both u and v, with the orientation determined by the right-hand rule.

Special cases involving the unit vectors in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates are given by


The cross product satisfies the general identity


Note that uxv is not a usual polar vector, but has slightly different transformation properties and is therefore a so-called pseudovector (Arfken 1985, pp. 22-23). Jeffreys and Jeffreys (1988) use the notation u ^ v to denote the cross product.

The cross product is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Cross[a, b].

A mathematical joke asks, "What do you get when you cross a mountain-climber with a mosquito?" The answer is, "Nothing: you can't cross a scaler with a vector," a reference to the fact the cross product can be applied only to two vectors and not a scalar and a vector (or two scalars, for that matter). Another joke presented on the television sitcom Head of the Class asks, "What do you get when you cross an elephant and a grape?" The answer is "Elephant grape sine-of-theta."

In two dimensions, the analog of the cross product for u=(u_x,u_y) and v=(v_x,v_y) is


where det(A) is the determinant.

The magnitude of the cross product is given by


where theta is the angle between u and v, given by the dot product


Identities involving the cross product include


In tensor notation,


where epsilon_(ijk) is the permutation symbol, Einstein summation has been used to sum over the repeated indices j and k, and i is a free index denoting each component of the vector (AxB)_i.

See also

Cartesian Product, Determinant, Dot Product, Permutation symbol, Right-Hand Rule, Scalar Triple Product, Vector, Vector Direct Product, Vector Multiplication Explore this topic in the MathWorld classroom

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Arfken, G. "Vector or Cross Product." §1.4 in Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 18-26, 1985.Jeffreys, H. and Jeffreys, B. S. "Vector Product." §2.07 in Methods of Mathematical Physics, 3rd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 67-73, 1988.

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Cross Product

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Cross Product." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/CrossProduct.html

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