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Richard Palais

Adjunct Professor

Dept. of Mathematics

School of Physical Sciences

University of California at Irvine

Office: RH 410 H

In 1997, after 37 years as a member of the Brandeis Department of Mathematics, I retired to leave myself more time to work in the area of Mathematical Visualization and more specifically to continue the development of my Macintosh program 3D-Filmstrip (now called 3D-XplorMath). In the Fall of 2004, my wife, Chuu-lian Terng, resigned from Northeastern Univ. to accept a position in the mathematics department at UCI (where she holds the Advance Chair) and we have now moved permanently to Irvine. I am continuing to work on mathematical visualization and in particular I am cooperating with David Eck of Hobart and William Smith College, helping with the design of his Java port of 3D-XplorMath, that will be called VMM---for The Virtual (or Visual) Mathematical Museum. However I have also partially "unretired" and I am now an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at UCI, which means I will be teaching one or two courses per year.


Fall 2009

In the Fall Quarter of 2009 I will be teaching Math 218 (First Year Graduate Topology).

Prospectus for Math 218A.



My Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography of Published Works.

My long term research interests have been in the areas of:

My current research

In recent years I have been working on the theory of integrable, one-dimensional wave equations---an area that is usually referred to as soliton mathematics. I wrote an expository article for the Bulletin of the AMS (October 1997 issue) called The Symmetries of Solitons.



The Breather Pseudospherical Surface    

(Produced using 3D-XplorMath)    

In recent years I have developed a strong interest in mathematical visualization, and one of my major ongoing projects is the development and continued improvement of a program called 3D-XplorMath for the MacOS. This is a tool for aiding in the visualization of a wide variety of mathematical objects and processes. Based on what I have learned from my experience in writing this program, I wrote an essay called "The Visualization of Mathematics: Towards a Mathematical Exploratorium" that appeared in the June/July 1999 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

Here is a Gallery of visualizations that were produced using 3D-XplorMath.



45 Murasaki Street

Department of Mathematics

Irvine, CA  92617-4088

103 MSTB UC Irvine

Mobile: 949 468 7102

Irvine, CA 92697-3875


Voice: 949 824 3151


Fax: 949 824 7993

Click here to send me email at    palais@uci.edu

Created:  Dec 22, 2004    Last Modified: Dec 22, 2004