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The Lahore Journal
of Business

The Lahore Journal
of Business

Lahore Journal of Business

(HEC recognized journal in “Y” category)

The Lahore Journal of Business is aimed at providing a specialized forum for dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, policy makers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business domain. The Journal aims at bringing together state-of-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, in various business disciplines including (but not limited to) accounting, banking, management, marketing, finance, investments, human resource management and organizational behavior.

Lahore Journal of Business

The Lahore Journal of Business (LJB) invites academics and business practitioners to submit manuscripts to this scholarly journal.
The LJB is aimed at providing a specialized forum to disseminate qualitative and quantitative research in various areas of business administration. The LJB invites researchers, business practitioners, policymakers and analysts to submit original theoretical and empirical papers that explore and contribute to the understanding of various areas in the business administration domain. The LJB brings together state-of-the-art research findings, particularly from emerging markets, across a wide range of business disciplines such as (but not limited to) Accounting, Finance, Banking, Investments, Risk Management, Actuarial Sciences, Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Human Resource Management, Digital Marketing, Supply Chain Management and International Business.
The LJB, now in its eleventh year, has been one of the outlets for rigorous and relevant business research in Pakistan. The recent restructuring of the editorial board of LJB is made to improve geographic diversity and inclusion. LJB is recognized as one of Pakistan’s leading business administration journals. It is indexed in EBSCO, PASTIC, Ulrichsweb (Proquest) and Cabells. Articles published by the LJB have been cited in prestigious local and international journals.

Manuscript Submission

All articles submitted to the LJB go through an initial desk review by the managing editors. Should an article pass this initial process, it subsequently will be subject to a double-blind review. This encompasses reviews from local and international scholars.
Please be aware that there are no submission or publication fees for the LJB.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts, to be no more than 10,000 in length, through LJB’s ScholarOne portal, which can be found here:
For policies and stances concerning ethics and responsibilities on the part of the editors and authors, please see The Statement of Ethics, Policies and Responsibilities of the LJB.