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Reduce your environmental impact with Less Emissions today.

The Less Approach

At Less, we recognize that offsetting is an imperfect solution to the complex issue of climate change. Along with environmental groups like WWF, we stress that offsetting should be a last resort only. When reducing your environmental impact, Less advises a three-step approach:


Switch to Green

Switch to Green

Reduce, conserve and be more efficient.

For those products and services you use, switch to green, more environmentally friendly alternatives. When it comes to your energy needs, Less' parent company, Bullfrog Power, offers easy, affordable ways to choose green electricity, green natural gas and now green transportation fuel.

For t​hose emissions you can't reduce or eliminate — your air travel-related emissions — count on Less to offset them. For more on The Less Approach, click here.

Lessen your company's shipping emissions

Shipping causes approximately 3.1% of the world's carbon emissions. With Less Emissions, you can still send your customers the goods they want and need — without increasing your carbon footprint.

By offsetting your company's shipping, you'll support quality emissions reduction projects and show your customers that you're doing the right thing for the planet.

What We Do

We provide an easy way to lessen the impact of your travel on the environment

Less offers: The Gold Standard logo

The Gold Standard program focuses on sustainable development in developing countries. This program works closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to deliver meaningful social and environmental benefits that extend beyond emission reductions. > learn more

  The Gold Standard logo

Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is one of the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting programs. This program focuses on improving livelihoods, avoiding emissions, and protecting our natural environments. > learn more

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Our customers have offset more than 130,000 tonnes of carbon.

Flights offset

Projects supported

tonnes offset