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N°Spécial De Revue/Special Issue Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information Année : 2013
Advances in Theory and Applications of High Dimensional and Symbolic Data Analysis
1 AxIS - Usage-centered design, analysis and improvement of information systems (France)
"> AxIS - Usage-centered design, analysis and improvement of information systems
2 CEDRIC - MSDMA - CEDRIC. Méthodes statistiques de data-mining et apprentissage (France)
"> CEDRIC - MSDMA - CEDRIC. Méthodes statistiques de data-mining et apprentissage
3 BUAA - School of Economics and Management [Beijing] (Beihang University N° 37, XueYuan Rd, Haidian dist, Beijing, China 100191 - Chine)
"> BUAA - School of Economics and Management [Beijing]


This special issue is a following to the workshop entitled " Theory and Applications of High dimensional Complex and Symbolic Data Analysis in Economics and Management Science " which took place on October, 27 to October, 30 2011, at the School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing, China. 37 participants from 9 différent countries (Belgium, Brasil, China, France, Italy, Japan, Portugal, élèvenia, USA) attended this workshop. 24 communications have been présented. This issue corresponds to an extended version of the best contributions as well as original submissions in the same field; all have been submitted to a long and severe refereeing process. The major part of the 12 papers of this special issue are about symbolic data analysis as well in an exploratory context (PCA of interval data), as in a predictive one (regression with histogram data). The other contributions give an overview of applications in some very active fields of Data Mining: social networks, recommendation systems, grouped data.
Fichier non déposé

Dates et versions

hal-00917511 , version 1 (11-12-2013)
  • HAL Id : hal-00917511 , version 1


Yves Lechevallier, Gilbert Saporta, Huiwen Wang, Rong Guan. Advances in Theory and Applications of High Dimensional and Symbolic Data Analysis. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, RNTI E.25, pp.197, 2013. ⟨hal-00917511⟩
320 Consultations
0 Téléchargements

