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Martin Prout edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 83 revisions


The current version of ruby-processing is available from rubygems

gem install ruby-processing

However this version of ruby-processing depends on you having java runtime (jre7+/jdk7+), and a locally installed version of vanilla processing and you should install that first. Required version processing-2.2.1 You must also set the PROCESSING_ROOT in .rp5rc getting started for detailed instructions.

But since 2016 you should install JRubyArt or propane instead

gem install jruby_art # needs an installed current version of vanilla-processing 
jgem install propane # a batteries included version of ruby-processing (core.jar etc included in gem)

A brief history

Getting Started

From java processing to ruby-processing


Render Modes

Built-in Ruby Processing Libraries

Advanced Topics


Other Resources
