minimalist themes and resources, by rachel
i'm sure this question has been asked a billion times so feel free to redirect me, but how do i use a theme? i have no coding experience and i'm having trouble with pastebin? is there like a step-by-step instruction manual somewhere? thanks so much!!
hi, you just copy the code from pastebin and paste it into the HTML of your blog’s theme, like so
hi! would you consider making a navigation page soon?
hi! i’ve actually made a few navigation pages, but they’re not completely ready for release, but i’ve been really busy working on a bigger project and don’t really have time for tumblr these days. it doesn’t mean that i’ll completely stop making tumblr themes, but i can’t say there will be anything released soon.
hi, I don’t know why, but the topic "about i" does not change the name, age, pronouns what is the problem I re-inserted the html code but it is useless
hey, can you link me to your page?
hi! i’m not sure what you mean because it looks fine to me?
go to! click on online users counter for the code for the users currently on your blog/page, and text hit counter for the total views. on my themes (except i still only have… one), put the first code in “online” and the second code in “views” in the customization bar
it doesn’t mess anything up for me? the html for a link is
<a href=“link url”>link</a>make sure you close the tag!